
The Third Age Network is administered by an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors. The members, as of October 2024, are as follows:

Board of Directors

Representative Member Organization
Gaby Arato Executive Committee
Nancy Christie Executive Committee
David Green Executive Committee
Cynthia Lemon Bluewater Association for Lifelong learning
Peggi Liswood Climate Action for Lifelong Learners
Joan McCurdy-Myers Lifelong Learning Niagara
Mary Pat Moore Academy for Lifelong Learning Toronto
Bill Pashby Living and Learning in Retirement
Christine Pearce Executive Committee
Phyllis Ryall Exec; LIFE (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Alexis Singer Later Life Learning, Innes
Sandy Thurston Exec; Third Age Barrie
Vito Volterra Third Age Learning Burlington
Michael Wosnick Exec; Third Age Learning York Region



Executive Committee

Representative Member Organization
Sandy Thurston Chair
Gaby Arato Interim Vice Chair
Phyllis Ryall Secretary
Christine Pearce Treasurer
Michael Wosnick Director at Large
David Green Director at Large
Nancy Christie Past Chair